Registered Charity Number: 305095
(Trustees’ Management Committee)
Pyrford Village War Memorial Hall is a registered charity represented by a group of Trustees and managed on a day-to-day basis by the Management Committee who are all volunteers.
Conditions of Hire
1. Restrictions of Hire
1.1 The hall is let at the discretion of the Hall Management Committee and the Committee’s decision is final in every application for hire.
1.2 Persons should be aged 22 or over to make a booking unless agreed by the Management Committee.
1.3 No booking will be accepted for a party for children/adults aged between 13 and 21 inclusive.
1.4 The hirer should be present during all sessions, or they must appoint another responsible person (aged 22 or over) who will be present at any such time during the session(s) that the hirer is absent. The hirer must provide such person with a copy of these conditions to take responsibility for ensuring compliance with them.
1.5 The purpose of the hire of the hall must be notified to the Booking Secretary at the time the booking is arranged.
1.6 No auction, sale or other form of commercial activity is allowed unless agreed by the Management Committee.
1.7 Under the premises licence the hall is licensed for live music, theatre, and dance from 8am to 11.00pm daily. All music whether live or recorded MUST cease at 11.00pm.
1.8 The hall has a licence with the Performing Right Society and Phonographic Performance Ltd (PPL)
1.9 Hirers/Users may not hire the hall before 8am except by permission of the Management Committee.
1.10 The hall must be vacated by all users by midnight in any event.
1.11 Noise must be kept to a minimum on arrival and departure from the hall particularly in the early morning and the evening
1.12 No booking for a party/social gathering on a Sunday after 6pm will be accepted.
1.13 The number of persons present in the complex at any one time is limited to 200. The maximum number of persons to be seated in the main hall is limited to 120 or 160 standing. The maximum capacity of the Committee room is limited to 25 seated or 40 standing.
1.14 The use of skateboards, skates or roller blades in the hall is prohibited.
1.15 The use of smoke machines is prohibited.
1.16 The use of balloons is not prohibited however helium balloons must be weighted or attached securely to the hooks below the rafters. Any balloon (helium or air filled) that floats into the roof space is at risk of damaging the fans. The cost of bringing the balloons down will be the hirer/users’ responsibility.
1.17 Care must be taken that the use of the hall does not cause damage to the fabric of the building or its equipment by using any form of adhesive, screws, nails, staples, or tape to attach items to the walls or floor. Please hang banners etc from the hooks provided below the rafters.
1.18 Fireworks either indoor or outdoor – are prohibited either in the hall or on the surrounding car park space which is a public right of way.
1.19 The adjoining field/cricket pitch is owned by the Cricket club. Any access to this area must be consented by the Cricket Club.
1.20 Alcoholic drinks may be provided by the hirer for consumption on the premises. However. the sale of alcohol (either directly or indirectly) is prohibited unless the Hirer/user has obtained and prominently displays a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) endorsed for the event by Woking Borough Council.
1.21 The Hirer/user and those attending the event are permitted to use only the rooms/areas agreed at the time of booking.
1.22 The Hirer/user must ensure that all persons using the floor of the main hall for dancing or sporting activity shall wear suitable footwear. The hirer/user will be responsible for damage caused to the floor during the session.
1.23 All rubbish must be removed/taken away by the hirer/user following a party.
1.24 The responsibility for the event always remains with the hirer/user. No sub- letting or assignment of the building is permitted.
1.25 Hirers/Users of the main hall must provide access to the toilets for any booking running concurrently in the Committee room. Other than this reason users can expect their session to be uninterrupted by any other person (either another user or member of the Management Committee) unless the interruption is because of an emergency or agreement has been previously confirmed.
1.26 Items stored below and behind the stage are the private property of other users and not for general use.
NB: As stated in clause 1.4, if a party or other social event is to be booked hirers must ensure that the event is attended in it’s entirety by a responsible adult and should be aware of the greater risk of uninvited guests if the event appears on social media, Any damage resulting from the event will be subject to recovery of costs as indicated in clause 2.5.
2. Bookings, Charges and Cancellation
2.1 All bookings must be made through the Booking Secretary.
2.2 A booking form must be completed for every user.
2.3 Time for setting up and clearing away must be included in the booked time.
2.4 Regular users will be invoiced retrospectively the following month. The invoice should be paid within 30 days.
2.5 Occasional hirers must pay the hire fee at the time of booking as requested by the Booking Secretary. An additional damage deposit of £100 (daytime) or £200 (evening) will be required prior to the event. This is refundable within 7 days of the event providing that all the Hall regulations have been met, no damage has occurred, and the user has carried out their responsibilities as described. If the cost of repairing any damage caused exceeds the damage deposit the hirer will be held responsible for the additional costs.
2.6 Cancellations less than 14 days prior to the booking are chargeable in full, but a refund may be made at the discretion of the Management Committee. All refunds are subject to an administration fee of £15.00.
3. Responsibilities of the Hirer/User
Safety of persons using the hall
The user shall take the following actions/precautions:
3.1 The hall does not have a landline therefore the hirer/user must have access to a mobile phone.
3.2 Carry out a risk assessment of the intended activity. The assessment should identify any specific precautions/actions that the user needs to undertake to ensure the safety of their group.
3.3 Whilst the hall has insurance for 3rd party liability the user must ensure that they have relevant licences and insurance to cover their business/organisation/group/event.
3.4 Locate the 4 emergency exits from the building and check they are unobstructed and remain so. Inform attendees of action to be taken in a fire or if evacuation of the building is required.
3.5 Check the position of the fire extinguishers/fire blanket and their modes of operation.
3.6 Locate the first aid box above fridge in the kitchen. The user must enter all accidents in the Accident book located in the first aid box. Any incident must be reported to the booking secretary as soon as possible.
3.7 Smoking is not permitted inside the building at any time.
3.8 Real flame candles (other than small celebration cake candles) are not permitted in the hall.
3.9 Ensure that when the hall is used to stage performances, all scenery, curtains, stage effects etc are flame retardant.
3.10 Ensure that no alterations are made to electrical circuits.
3.11 Ensure that electrical circuits are not overloaded. If users wish to use high rated electrical equipment, they must check with the Booking Secretary prior to the booking.
3.12 All electrical equipment brought in by the user must be in good working order and comply with current electrical regulations. Appropriate certification must be available for Inspection by the management committee if required.
3.13 Encourage members to use the hand sanitisers provided and follow other guidelines and advice as appropriate at the time.
4. Condition and security of the Hall
4.1 Any spillages should be dealt with promptly using a damp cloth or damp mop using only clean water. Do not use any cleaning product.
4.2 The hirer must ensure that the premises are left in a clean and tidy condition and all users equipment removed or stored away at the end of the session.
4.3 Report any defective or damaged equipment in the Comments folder – kept next to the fridge – so that repairs can be actioned by the Management Committee.
4.4 Ensure all kitchen equipment/appliances are turned off
4.5 No tables or chairs should be taken outside the hall unless prior agreement has been sought.
4.6 The user must return chairs and tables to the relevant storage place/room. Dragging tables and chairs may cause damage to the floor dressing. Tables must be carried. Chairs must be moved using the trolley provided (kept in the chair main storage area). Do not stack brown chairs more than 10 high. Blue and green chairs should be stacked no higher than 4 in the appropriate room. Care must be taken not to damage or soil the fabric of the chairs.
4.7 If the stage has been used the stage curtains must be closed on leaving the hall.
4.8 The user must ensure that all windows at ground level (kitchen, committee room, green room, all toilets) are firmly closed at the end of the booking.
4.9 The user is responsible for ensuring that all lights are switched off – excluding the sensor external lighting and the light in the foyer.
4.10 All exterior doors and the doors from the hall to the Foyer must be securely locked on leaving the hall.
5. Management Committee Disclaimer
5.1 Every endeavour will be made by the Management Committee to fulfil any booking, but it retains the right to cancel any booking should the need arise. In such cases the Management Committee’s liability will be limited to the refund of monies paid for the booking.
5.2 The Management Committee will not accept liability for loss or damage incurred by users or any other person using the hall, including loss or damage to goods or property left in the hall.
6. Data protection
6.1 The Management Committee limit the collection of private data to just that required to contact, confirm, and administer a hirer’s booking. Name, address, email, phone numbers and on occasion bank account details.
6.2 No 3rd parties have access to hirer’s information.